Flutter Bloc & Cubit Tutorial
If you're keeping up with the various state management techniques in Flutter, you're probably aware of the recent combination of Cubit into the Flutter Bloc package. Whether you're a Bloc user currently, or if you've considered Bloc in the past but found the boilerplate code overwhelming, this video tutorial by Matt Rešetár of the Reso Coder YouTube channel should help bring you up to speed on the changes, and help you decide if the new combined package is worth a fresh look for your own development work.
Internationalizing and Localizing Your Flutter App
Although I will confess to violating this principle myself, localization is something best considered at the beginning of a project, rather than after you have dozens of hard-coded strings sprinkled throughout your code. :-)
This very in-depth tutorial by Edson Bueno sheds light on the difference between internationalization and localization, along with some solid practices for helping your apps reach your customers in their own languages.
Tips & Tricks
How to debug layout issues with the Flutter Inspector
"The two most frequent types of Flutter errors are both problems with layout: widget overflow and “renderbox not laid out” issues. You’re not alone in running into layout problems, but, where do you go to solve them?" If Katie Lee's question here resonates with you, then I'd encourage you to check out her handy tutorial covering the Flutter Inspector.
Flutter Jobs
"High Agency" People
If you're wondering how to have a stronger impact in your career (and life in general), you might find this Twitter thread by Shreyas Doshi helpful. As a Product Manager with Stripe, Shreyas brings a perspective here that I think is helpful to anyone trying to make that impact. As he notes, "highly talented, high agency people are game changers for their teams & companies." Read on to see what he means.
// From Mark
Are You a Cog-in-the-Wheel or a Game Changer?
Putting this week's newsletter together reminded me that success in a tech-oriented career isn't always just about the code -- or even mostly about the code. There are a lot of career skills that they just don't teach you in even the best of CS programs.
With that thought in mind, among the more technically-oriented links in today's issue, I especially hope you'll find Shreyash Doshi's discussion of "high agency" people helpful. Although Shreyash's background is Product Management, I think those of us in the development and engineering side of the house can also benefit from the filter he brings to this important topic.
Flutter Developer Weekly